
Solutions of Vaccine Process Filtration

Filtration technology has a wide range of applications in different stages of the vaccine process, such as the gas sterile filtration, the mycoplasma sterile filtration for culture medium, the buffer sterile filtration, the separation of bacteria, and the concentration of protein, polysaccharide or virus particles, dialysis, buffer replacement, final product sterile filtration, etc.

The vaccine is an autoimmune preparation made of pathogenic microorganisms (such as bacteria, rickettsiae, viruses, etc.) and their metabolites through artificial attenuation, inactivation or genetically modified methods to prevent infectious diseases . Currently, the vaccine family including 7 types as Live Attenuated Vaccine, Whole Inactivated Vaccine, R-Protein Vaccine, Polysaccaride-conjugate Vaccine, mRNA&DNA Vaccine and Live Vectored Vaccines Wait.

The development of vaccines is divided into three stages:

The first stage: In 1789, the British doctor Jenner proved that vaccinia can prevent smallpox, calling this technique a vaccination. In the 19th century, Pasteur, the father of vaccines, invented live attenuated vaccines, such as the Sabin attenuated strain polio vaccine, which was of epoch-making significance. The attenuated BCG vaccine developed by Kamet and Gulin. It still used to prevent tuberculosis today.

The second stage: the advent of recombinant genetic vaccine, for example, using genetic engineering technology to prepare hepatitis B surface antigen as a vaccine for clinical inoculation, the safety is greatly improved, and it is easy to produce and store on a large scale. we use antigen protein technology to bring vaccine research to the molecular level. At present, there are mainly subunit vaccines, peptide vaccines and multiple vaccines.

The third stage: The emergence of nucleic acid vaccines in the 1990s, including mRNA & DNA vaccines. Nucleic acid vaccines can be quickly designed with low cost, easy operation and stable properties. The nucleic acid vaccine can be stored at room temperature, which improves the vaccination rate.

In the 21st century, a variety of new vaccines include: therapeutic vaccines, pentavalent rotavirus, viroid (such as HPV) and polyvalent vaccines and other blockbusters are on the market. The global vaccine sales in 2019 reached about 55 billion US dollars. Sales in China reached about 30 billion RMB.

Flow Diagram of Bioprocess


①-Media Filtration

Bioburden Reduction and Particle Control

Greclary CHV -Glass Fiber

Excesal CHE -PP

Excesal CHC -PP
Excesal CHT -PP

Safetect PME -PES

Purcise PLE -Double Layer PES

Purcise PAF -PES

Corevital PMD -PVDF

Sterilizing-grade Filter Series

Purcise SLE -Double Layer PES

Corevital SAF -Double Layer PES

Corevital SMD -PVDF

Mycoplasma Removal Filter Series

Purcise MLE -Double Layer PES

②-Gas Filtration Filter Series

Safesure AFM -Hydrophobic PTFE

Aegivast ACE -Hydrophobic PTFE

Corevital APB -Hydrophobic PVDF

③-Clarification Filtration

Roheap CSD

Greclary CHV -Glass Fiber

Excesal CHE -PP

Excesal CHC -PP
Excesal CHT -PP

Safetect PME -PES

Purcise PLE -Double Layer PES

Purcise PAF -PES

Corevital PMD -PVDF



④-Column / TFF Protection

Safetect PME -PES

Purcise PLE -Double Layer PES

Purcise PAF -PES

Corevital PMD -PVDF

Purcise SLE -Double Layer PES

Corevital SAF -Double Layer PES

Corevital SMD -PVDF



Consieve?UET TFF ( Cassettes /Stainless Holder /System )


⑦-Sterile Filtration

Purcise SLE -Double Layer PES

Corevital SAF -Double Layer PES

Corevital SMD -PVDF

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