
Process of Diagnostic Reagents Process Filtration

Diagnostic Reagents Process Filtration-cbt.jpg

Diagnostic reagents are those prepared by the principles or methods of immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, etc. and used in vitro for the diagnosis of human diseases. Diagnostic reagents for diagnosis, testing and epidemiological investigation. Generally speaking, they can be divided into two categories: in vivo diagnostic reagents and in vitro diagnostic reagents. Except for in vivo diagnostic reagents used for diagnoses, such as old tuberculin, brucella, sikretin, etc.,  The in vitro diagnostic reagents industry is divided into three main categories: clinical biochemical diagnostic reagents, immunodiagnostic reagents and molecular diagnostic reagents.  The amount of immunoassay reagent is the largest. 

The overall development of China's in-vitro diagnostic reagent industry shows the characteristics of a large developing country, that is, a large market and greater market potential. 

In recent years, the emergence and integration of various new technologies and methods have promoted the development, application and renewal of in vitro diagnostic reagents. At the same time, with the comprehensive establishment of the country's basic medical system and the increase in people's incomes and living standards, people have become more interested in the development of in vitro diagnostic reagents. There is a higher demand for health and medical quality, and rural and community health equipment has also been greatly enhanced. Under various favorable conditions, the development of in vitro diagnostic reagents industry has ushered in a "once-in-a-lifetime" good opportunity in the history of pharmaceutical development. 

With the development of the domestic diagnostic reagent industry, the research on diagnostic reagents found that the application of membrane filtration technology in the production of diagnostic reagents is also more and more, through membrane filtration technology for product sterilization, debris removal, etc., can play a key role in improving product quality and ensuring safety.

Process of Diagnostic Reagents Process Filtration

Process of Diagnostic Reagents Process Filtration.jpg

① Media Filtration       

Bioburden Reduction and Particle Control

Greclary CHV -Glass Fiber

Safetect PME -PES

Purcise PLE -Double Layer PES

Sterilizing-grade Filtration

Purcise SLE -Double Layer PES

Purcise SPS -PES

Corevital SMD -PVDF

Mycoplasma Removal

Purcise MLE -Double Layer PES

② Vent and Gas Filtration

Safesure AFM -Hydrophobic PTFE

Aegivast ACE -Hydrophobic PTFE

Corevital APB -Hydrophobic PVDF

③ Buffer Filtration

Purcise PLE -Double Layer PES

Purcise PAF -PES
Safetect PME -PES

Corevital SAF -Double Layer PES

Purcise SLE -Double Layer PES

Purcise SPS -PES

Corevital SMD -PVDF

④ Clarification Filtration

Roheap CSD

⑤ Column / TFF Protection


Greclary CHV -Glass Fiber

Excesal CHE -PP

Excesal CHC -PP
Excesal CHT -PP

Bioburden Reduction & Particle Control

Purcise PLE -Double Layer PES

Safetect PME -PES

Sterilizing-grade Filtration

Purcise SLE -Double Layer PES

⑥ Concentration and Purification

Consieve UET -PES

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