
FPD Wet Process

Filtration is a critical component in the manufacturing process of Flat Panel Display (FPD) where contamination control of air, gas, chemicals and aqueous solutions is necessary especially for GEN 6 and beyond. Cobetter provides reliable filtration solutions for all manufacturing steps which help FPD manufacturers reduce costs and improve yields.  In addition, we provide solutions to complex filtration solutions via our Advanced Validation Center and experience.

Recommended Filters

83 Series

130 Series

HFPP150 Seres

HCP Series

EAPS Series

ELPF Series


PRNA Series

PRNF Seris

PRNU Series

PRNQ Series

PDFA Series

PSSF Series

LAFS Series

LAFF Series

LAFP Series

  • Photoresist Specialized Filter Cartridges PRNA Filter Cartridges have a nano-fiber multilayer design that provides high porosity which are good for capturing various shaped particles especially photoresist filtration.
  • PSSF Stainless Steel Pleated Felt Cobetter PSSF Stainless Steel Pleated Felt Filter Cartridges constructed with stainless steel sintered felt and shaped during the pleating process. These filters have a large filtration area. The stainless steel sintered felt is made from stainless steel fiber, which is then sintered under high temperatures to form the porous depth filtration material. PSSF Filter Cartridges features include a graded pore size from coarse upstream to fine downstream, which results in a higher dirt holding capa
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