
High Flow Rate FPD Wet Process Filtration
?83 Filter Cartridge Series

?83 Filter Cartridges are designed to meet the flow rates of 100L/min at standard conditions.

Feature and Benefits

  • High Flow Rates

    Effective filtration area for single filter cartridges meet up to 1.45m2 /10". Suitable for high-pressure filtration according to the pressure test. Single filter cartridge meets the flow rates of 100L/min at standard conditions.

  • Effectively Reduce Filtration Costs

    The large filtration area, high flow rates, and high dirt holding capacity extend the filter service life. As a result, filter replacement frequency and downtime decrease, thus reducing system cost.

  • Available in a Wide Range of Pore Sizes and Filter Media

    Multiple filter media (PP/PES/PTFE) and a wide range of removal ratings (0.05-90m) meet different firation and application requirements.

  • Electronic Grade Filter Medium

    Cage, core, support, and end caps of the fier are all composed of high-purity electronic grade PP medium.?83 Filter Series adopts welding echnology that utilizes no adhesives or surfactants to control effectively any xtractables and to ensure the safe use of the fier cartridge.

  • Specifaction
  • Performance
  • Ordering Information

For technical data sheet or application inquiry, you are more than welcome to contact our sales representative by sales@cobetterfilter.com or leave a message

Operating Conditions

Filter MediaPP / PES / PTFE
End cap /Core/CagePP
Max. Operating Temperature80°C
Max. Differential Pressure0.4 MPa / 21°C
0.24 MPa / 80°C

Flow Rate Characteristics

83 APS Flow Rate Characteristics

83 LPF Flow Rate Characteristics

83 PFSA2 Flow Rate Characteristics.png

Ordering Information

High Flow Rate FPD Wet Process Filtration

Contact Form
Company* Application*
First Name* Last Name*

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