
H-VCF II/III Vent for Anti-condensation
Vent Filter Housing with Heated Jacket

H-VCF II Vent Filter Housing is superior vent filter housing with an anti-condensation function for air filtration and with stricter requirements

It is composed of the following parts: vent, heated jacket, jacket protection layer, and constant electronic temperature system.

The advantages when compared to vent filter housings are:

  • Filter cartridges are kept dry by heat which helps guarantee their flow rates.
  • High temperature environment prevents germ growth.
  • An advanced constant electronic temperature system.
  • Elbow design prevents particles from flowing into the vent housing, thus protecting the filter housing from damage

Additionally, H-VCF III Vent Housing meets the requirements for use in a clean room.The heated jacket is placed in a sealed column to keep dust and bacteria from flowing into the housing. This also makes the housing easy to clean.

  • Specification
  • Drawing
  • Biological Satety

Operating Conditions

Max. Operating Pressure0.6Mpa (6bar)
Max. Operating Temperature130 °C (266°F)
Steam SterilizationIn-situ / Autoclave @ 121°C / 30 min

Surface Finish

Polish Type

Mirror Polish; Internal


Surface Option

Internal Ra: 0.3μm;

External Ra: 0.4μm


Body ConnectionTri-clamp, Strengthened clamp
Outlet1 inch (DN 25) clamp

Material of Construction

Housing Body304;316L
O-ring / GasketsSilicon, Viton, EPDM, PTFE

Drawings & Dimensions

1 round
5 inch
1 round
10 inch
1 round
20 inch

Ordering Information


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