
Solutions of Culture Medium Filtration

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The culture medium is used for microbial fermentation and cell culture in the biopharmaceutical process, and ensuring the sterility of the fermentation & culture process is the key of the biotechnology process.  Culture media mainly includes natural cell culture medium, synthetic cell culture medium and serum-free cell culture medium. 

Since the culture media containing macromolecular nutrients such as proteins can be denatured after autoclaving, destroying the active ingredients, the filtration is needed to remove bacteria and mycoplasma to ensure the stability of the composition of the culture medium. 

Different culture medium contains different components, for rich protein, sugar and other media should be used in the form of multi-stage filtration to ensure that the filtering flux and terminal sterilization cartridge life.


PP Membrane

Glassfiber Membrane

PES Membrane

PVDF Membrane

Clarification Filtration

1  PP Menbrane

Excesal CHE -PP

Excesal CHC -PP
Excesal CHT -PP

2  Glass Fiber Menbrane

Greclary CHV -Glass Fiber


1 PES Menbrane

Purcise PLE -Double Layer PES

Purcise PAF -PES

2 PVDF Menbrane

Corevital PMD?-PVDF

Sterile Filtration

PES Menbrane

Purcise SLE -Double Layer PES

Corevital SAF -Double Layer PES

PVDF Menbrane

Corevital SMD -PVDF

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