
Solutions of Buffer Filtration

Buffer Filtration-CBT.jpg

In biopharmaceuticals, such as vaccines, blood products, recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, and cell therapy, large amounts of the buffer solution are used in production processes, which are often filtered in order to ensure the stability of the bioprocess and minimize contamination.

It is mainly used in chromatography, ultrafiltration, dialysis and other processes. The filtration of the buffer solution protects the life of the downstream chromatography columns and ultrafiltration membranes and ensures the quality of the final product. It is usually recommended to filter the buffer with a sterilization grade filter, but if a pre-filter is used, it can effectively protect the terminal sterilization filter.


PP Membrane

PES Membrane

PVDF Membrane


PP Cartrige

Excesal CHE -PP

Excesal CHC -PP
Excesal CHT -PP

PES Cartrige 

Safetect PME -PES


Sterile Filtration

PES Cartrige 

Corevital SAF -Double Layer PES

PVDF Cartrige 

Corevital SMD -PVDF

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