
HF150 High Flow Filter Cartridge

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Cobetter high flow filter cartridge is designed for membrane process high flow desalination plants.The high flow filter is a large diameter, single open ended pleated filter cartridge. The filter diameter is 6"/152 mm, with large filtration area,and high flow rate up to 90m3/hr. It can be widely used in various industries, with less quantity,less downtime for change-out and significant cost saving.

  • High density pleated filter type resulting in a high filtration area,high flow rates, longer service life, and high dirt holding capacity.
  • Multi-layered design provides gradient filtration.
  • Internal PP core guarantees no distortion and resists higher reverse differential pressure.
  • Ergonornically designed handle facilities fast and easy Installation and remove without special tools.



Municipal Water, Pre-RO Filtration, Reclaimed Water, Coolants,
Nozzle Protection, Boiler Condensate


Quench Water, Aqueous Salt Solutions, Final Products


Water-flooding, Produced Water, Enhances Oil Recovery,
Completion Fluids, Amine Sweetening, Finial Products

Food & Beverage

Process Water


Process Water

For technical data sheet or application inquiry, you are more than welcome to contact our sales representative by sales@cobetterfilter.com or leave a message

  • High Flow Filter Cartridges Cobetter HFPP150 High Flow Filter Cartridge is a large diameter, single open-ended pleated cartridge filter with PP core and polyester net cover. It has a diameter of 6”/150mm with a 8m filtration area which results in a high flow rate up to 60m /hr. Flow direction is from inside to outside which ensures that all contamination is held within the filter.
  • Ultra-High Flow Rate FPD Wet Process Filtration ?130 Filter Cartridges are mainly used in high flow rate conditions in the manufacturing process of LCD panels. The design fully meets the space requirements of equipment. ?130 filter cartridges are able to meet flow rates of 200L/min. In addition, the 2m2 filtration area ensures high flows rates and dirt holding capacity which results in a decrease of filter replacements and downtime. Multiple filter media and a wide range of removal ratings are available.
  • High Flow Rate FPD Wet Process Filtration ?83 Filter Cartridges are designed to meet the flow rates of 100L/min at standard conditions.
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