
Hydrophilic PTFE Membranes

Cobetter hydrophilic PTFE membrane is made of pure PTFE membrane bonded to a polypropylene non-woven support. The extreme chemical compatibility (pH 1-14) makes it an ideal material for filtration of almost all solvent, acids and alkaline solutions, and organic-based aqueous samples, and is commonly used for HPLC solvents sample preparation. The membrane is super-clean, promises low residual contamination added to the flux during the clarifying process, ensuring the analysis is not disturbed and the results are accurate.    

Cobetter could supply the hydrophilic PTFE membrane in discs or rolls. We are equipped with precious die cutting machines to meet your customization requirement. Our application experts could help you with product designing and membrane welding process.


Certified Biological Safety (ISO 10993/USP Class VI)

Optimized Backing Material,Better Sealing Capability

Wide Range of Pore Size (0.02-10μm)

Compatible with Different Sealing Methods

Ultrasonic, Heat, RF Welding, Mechanical, Inserting Molding

Serilization Compatibility

Autoclave,Ethylene Oxide, E-Beam, Gamma Irradiation

Available Pore Size (μm)

0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.45, 0.8, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0

Typical Performance Characteristics (*0.2μm)

  • Filtration Efficiency ≥99.99999% Brevundimonas diminuta
    Thickness 280-440μm (Supported)

Typical Applications

- Solvents/Acids/Aggressive Chemicals Filtration

Membrane Formats

Roll,   Sheet,   Disc,   Customization

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