
  • Sintered Mesh Disc Filter SCDF series is made of multi-layer stainless steel wire mesh. With the property of High strength and easy to clean. It is suitable for liquid filtration with less solid particles.
  • High Sintered Fiber Disc Filter SFDFH high strength filter plate is a modified product in SFDF series. By increasing the support mesh, the polymer can be more easily passed through the filter plate, reducing the effect of the retention space. The polymer can be prevented from producing excessive polymerization in production. The improved filter also improves the pressure resistance.
  • Sintered Fiber Disc Filter The SFDF series is sintered by multi-layer fibers, with high carrying amount, and absolute filtration accuracy. In complex polymer production environment, it not only has highly pressure resistance and high strength, but also very good for the retention of small rigid particles and colloidal impurities. It is also suitable for filtration of high viscosity materials because of low pressure loss and high velocity characteristics.
  • Sintered Powder Disc Filter SPDF series is made of stainless steel powder through sintering, with high mechanical strength, uniform pore size distribution, good air permeability and simple cleaning properties. The filter element of sintered powder is suitable for the application of liquid filtration of solid particles.
  • Pleated Sintered Fiber Filter It is made of Sintered stainless steel fiber filter, which is formed by folding wave and has a large filtration area. Sintered Stainless steel fiber filter is a kind of porous depth filter material made of stainless steel fiber in a high temperature. From thick to thin is trapezoidal aperture, with high dirt holding capacity , longer life and reach the absolute filtration efficiency.
  • Pleated Stainless Steel Filter Made of woven stainless steel mesh, the folding structure makes it has a large filtration area, so it has better performance in life and flow rate. Heat resistance, pressure resistance, aperture rule, will not change at high temperature. It is the best choice for filtering fluid under high temperature and high pressure.
  • Sintered Stainless Steel Powder Filter The stainless steel powder is sintered with high temperature after the mold is pressed. With unique technology and strict production process, it has the advantages of high mechanical strength, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, uniform pore diameter, good air permeability, clean to reuse, weldable, machinable and so on.
  • Sintered Mesh Filter Made of multi-layer sintered 316 or 304 stainless steel strainer, it has the properties of heat resistance, pressure resistance and corrosion resistance. The uniform distribution of pore diameter and simple structure is the best choice for solid-liquid separation of liquid containing rigid particles. Good counter-current cleaning effect, can be used repeatedly, growth life.
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