
Sintered Powder Disc Filter
SPDF Series

SPDF series is made of stainless steel powder through sintering, with high mechanical strength, uniform pore size distribution, good air permeability and simple cleaning properties. The filter element of sintered powder is suitable for the application of liquid filtration of solid particles.

Features and Benefits

· Stable shape, high strength, no particle

· Drop, heat resistant, high pressure,

· Corrosion resistance.

· Stable filtering performance.

Filter Medium

Cobetter's metal filter material mainly divides into three types: wire mesh type, sintered fiber felt type, stainless steel powder sintered type. Through the design and processing technology of filter materials, different products have their own filtering characteristics, which are widely used in various fields, so that customers can have many choices.

Sintered Fiber Felt

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Sintered Powder Material

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Cobetter's sintered fiber felt is made from micron ultrafine metal fiber into non-woven fabric, which is made by pressing layer and sintering process. Uniform network structure and complex runner design ensure that the filter has the following advantages and characteristics.

  • More than 90% of the porosity.

  • High flow rate, low pressure loss, long life.

  • Through the special flow structure formed by the sintered filter material, it has excellent retention effet on the rigid particles, the volatile particles and the colloidal impurities.

  • The range of filtering accuracy is wide which can be provided from 3 to 200μm.

  • Can be cleaned and reused.

Sintered poeder filter is made of ultra-fine stainless steel powder with unique technology and strict production process, with the following advantages and characteristics.

  • High mechanical strength

  • The pore diameter is evenly distributed, weldable and machinable.

  • The filter element made of sintered filter has excellent interception effect on the rigid particles and the easy deformation glue and other impurities.

  • Provide 1-80μm filtering accuracy.

  • Can be cleaned and reused.

Stainless Steel Wire 

Mesh Filter Material 

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Stainless steel wire mesh is made of woven stainless steel mesh, with plain weave and dutch weave. With the following advantages and characteristics.

  • Ensure filtering precision and smooth surface.

  • It is mainly used for surface filtration, especially for liquid filtration with more solid particles.

  • Provide 5-200μm filtering accuracy.

  • Can be cleaned and reused.

For technical data sheet or application inquiry, you are more than welcome to contact our sales representative by sales@cobetterfilter.com or leave a message.

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