
PTFE High Temperature Ultra-pure Water Filter
LHSPF Series

LHSPF Filter Cartridge is composed of a PTFE hydrophilic membrane, POM core, and PPS support.  It is specifically designed for high temperature ultra-pure water applications to remove particulates and sterilize due to its great heat-resistance performance and service life of 3 months under 90?C conditions.

  • The PTFE membrane provides corrosion and temperature resistance and oxidation so it can filter many types of corrosive liquids.
  • It has a wide range of chemical compatibility to withstand 1-14pH values
  • Able to work with ozone solubility of<5000ppm ? HR
  • Specification
  • Performance
  • Ordering Information

Materials of Construction

 Filter Medium hydrophilic PTFE
 Drainage PPS
 Core POM

Working Characteristics

 Max Working Temperature90℃(Three months)
100℃-300℃(Short Period)
 Max Differential Pressure 0.24 MPa / 90℃
 <0.1 MPa / 120℃

Materials of Construction

ModelFilter Accuracy

 Removal Area


LHSPF 0.1,0.22,0.45,1.0,3.0 5.0 ,10
  0.74 0.98

Please Contact us at sales@cobetterfilter.com for additional details



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