
High Flow Filter Cartridge Series
Designed for Large Flow Applications

Cobetter High Flow Filter is a large diameter, single open ended pleated cartridge ?lter. With a  6"/152mm diameter, large ?ltration area,and high ?ow rate up to 90m3/hr. It can be widely used in a wide variety of industry with less downtime for change-out.

Features and Benefits

  • High density pleated filter type resulting in a high filtration area,high flow rates, longer service life, and high dirt holding capacity.
  • Multi-layered design provides gradient filtration.
  • Internal PP core guarantees no distortion and resists higher reverse differential pressure.
  • Ergonornically designed handle facilities fast and easy
  • Installation and remove without special tools.

  • Specification
  • Performance
  • Ordering Information

Material of Construction

Filter Media

Support/DrainageEnd CapsCoreOutside Material
PPPleated Polypro
depth structure
Polypropylene  Glass filled
PolypropylenePP Cage 
(HFPP150 Series)
GFRein bonded glass fiber
/Polyester support
Polyester   Glass filled
PolypropylenePET Net
(HF150 Serise)

Recommended Operating Conditions

Max. TemperaturePP:  80°C
GF 130°C
Max. Pressure0.40 Mpa/21°C  HFPP150 (PP Cage)
0.38 MPa/21°C  HF150 (PET Net)
0.15 MPa/80°C

Retention Ratings

Polypropylene (PP)1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10, 20, 40, 70, 90μm
Glass Fiber (GF)0.8, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 15, 25μm

Retention Characteristic (Filtration Ef?ciency  HF150NB)

Pore size
PP 0.8PP 1.0PP 2.0PP 3.0PP 5.0PP 10.0PP 20.0

Remarks: The testing particle is made by mixed solution of standard silica .

Flow Rating

Design Flow RateMax Flow Rate
20"15 m3/h30 m3/h
40"30 m3/h40 m3/h
60"45 m3/h90 m3/h

Flow Rate Characteristics

Comparison of Housing Dimension and Element Number

End Cap Configuration

Ordering Information

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