
RK12-N Series Filter Housing

Designed for high-speed production line, and seamless structure design makes it easy to clean.

Drain completely, no residual liquid, removable disc to achieve full-angle cleaning.

It can be applied to high speed production line conditions.

Feature Advantages

Available in automatic lifting filter with air pump (see right image), which can meet modernized automation requirements.

With plugs, you can choose the number of cartridge filters to install.

A variety of lengths are available, 10", 20".

  • Specification
  • Performance
  • Ordering Information

Materials of Construction

Shell304 / 316L
Drain304 / 316L
Clamp / Legs304
Seal MaterialEPDM

Operating Condition

Design Pressure0.6 MPa(6Bar)
Operating Temperature135°C
Design Temperature140°C

Ordering Information

    MaterilaFilter TypeOpen TypeCatridge Capacity Seal Material


A=SUS30402=RK12M= ManualT=3 roundsP=FEP


S=6 rounds

N=Special rounds avaliable

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