
Solutions of Lyophilized Powder Filtration


Lyophilized powder is the raw material drug "mixed" in some excipients or dissolved in some solvent, and then in a sterile environment, the liquid freezing and after certain processing to make different forms of preparation. 

Since Lyophilized powder are normally non-final sterilized products, filtration is extremely demanding. With a large number of customers for Lyophilized powder in China, Cobetter is able to provide filtration solutions for different products. 


SPSH Series

APS Series

Bio-burden Reduction

SPSH Series

SLHPF Series

Redundant Filtration

SPSH Series

DPS Series

DLHPF Series

Final Sterile Filtration

SPSH Series
DPS Series

DLHPF Series

Solutions of Lyophilized Powder Filtration-cbt.jpg

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