
Glassfiber Membrane


Glass fiber is hydrophilic with great mechanical strength. The filter media has good elasticity and its dust holding capacity is often double that of other synthetic filter media, which makes it especially suitable for liquid filtration with high colloid and particles. 

Cobetter's glass fiber filter cartridges are made of ultra-fine glass fiber, which provides high dirt resistance and high particle retention, especially for liquids containing colloids, oils and grease, and proteins.

· Positively charged for improved filtration efficiency
· High dirt holding capacity
· Low initial pressure differential and high flow rate
· Rigid fiber material to ensure high throughput during filtration

Ramoval Ratings (μm)

0.22 / 0.3 / 0.45 / 0.8 / 1.0 / 3.0 / 5.0  …

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