Chemvast Cost Effective All-FluoropolymerChemvast has a PVDF construction with a PTFE membrane which makes it suitable to filter electronic grade chemicals. Cost effective solution for HF filtration.
Novacon High Precision Chemical FilterHigh retention efficiency, flow rates and surface area allow for a rapid operation. High density membrane structure provides advanced 2nm retention.
Chemphobic Ultrapure Chemical FilterAll fluorine construction makes it suitable for the filtration of highly corrosive high temperature chemicals including SPM/H3PO4/IPA.
Chemega High-Efficiency Flitration for ChemicalsChemega is constructed of a PTFE membrane that provides great chemical compatibility and is inherently hydrophobic.
Chemrapid Surface-modifiled Ultrapure Chemicals FilterNon-dewetting modified membrane improves surface energy. Superior filtration efficiency and high low rate.
Fluorolink All Fluoropolymer Filter HousingOverall PFA construction makes it suitable for highly corrosive high temperature chemicals.