

Surgical Smoke ULPA Filter - Your Surgical Consumables Partner


Unavoidable surgical smoke - surgical smoke refers to gaseous substances produced during surgery, also known as aerosols. It is formed by high-frequency electrocautery knife, laser knife, ultrasonic scalpel, high-speed drill bit, saw blade, instrument burr destruction and vaporization of tissue protein and fat during surgery. Surgical smoke dispersed into the air contains inhalable fine particles, of which 95% is water and 5% is particulate matter containing chemical substances, blood and tissue particles, viruses (including HIV and HPV), bacteria and other carcinogenic compounds. The contents of hydrocarbons, nitriles, fatty acids and phenols in surgical smoke are high, and there are contents of highly toxic substances such as hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde and benzene, which can not be ignored. In addition, medical personnel will also be exposed to toxic and unpleasant gases such as CO, NH3 and H2S during laser and electrosurgical operations.

After the smoke generated by medical personnel during laser or other high-temperature cutting operations is put into the atmosphere, it is always combined with the aerosol formed by various types of particles in the atmosphere, which is kept in the air as free floating objects and can enter the lungs of medical personnel through the respiratory tract and cause harm to them, while the medical surgical mask can only filter 70% of the particles.

As a consumable which can be replaced in the smoke evacuation equipment, the smoke filter is used to remove the smoke particles, absorb the peculiar smell and toxic gas generated during the operation, improve the visibility in the operating room and reduce the peculiar smell in the air.

Cobetter surgical smoke filter uses ULPA grade PTFE membrane and glass fiber membrane. The filter is pleated to effectively expand the filtration area. Combined with polypropylene shell, it can remove surgical smoke particles of different sizes. In addition to ULPA filter membrane, our products are also equipped with specially modified activated carbon for the adsorption of TVOC gas and toxic gas. Cobetter provides filters with different sizes and connectors, which can be used for smoke evacuation equipment in different operating rooms, such as laparoscopic surgery, orthopedic surgery, cosmetic surgery or other minimally invasive surgery. Cobetter surgical smoke filter is mainly divided into customized long-term-use surgical smoke filter and disposable disc filter.

  Customized Long-term-use Surgical Smoke Filter

Cobetter provides customized surgical smoke filter for long-term-use, which can work with various operating room smoke evacuation equipment, provide stable and efficient surgical smoke filtration, effectively capture surgical smoke, remove odor, particles and other potentially dangerous derivative substances, maintain a safe and clean operating environment, and protect the safety of medical staff and patients.


Customization Service.
Size, appearance, internal configuration and connector type can be customized according to your requirement. Available in customized square and capsule filters of different sizes which will be able to match different types of smoke evacuation devices. Multi-connectors filter can flexibly match the corresponding interface according to the flow requirements of different surgeries.

High Filtration Efficiency Membrane.
Using ULPA membrane to remove smoke particles generated during operation. For 0.1 micron particles, the filtration efficiency is 99.9995%, and particles less than 0.1 micron can also be intercepted with high efficiency.  

Odor Adsorption.
Cobetter uses the modified activated carbon to adsorb odor and toxic gas more efficiently and for a longer time.

High Retention Rate.
With the pre-filtration layer, Cobetter smoke filter can retain large particles to reach high particle retention rate, and prolong the service life of the filter.

Long Service Life.
Up to 35 hours service life.

Typical Applications

Smoke Evacuator Filter in Surgical Room

Mobile Smoke Evacuation System

Exhaust Filtration of Pneumoperitoneum Machine

         Surgical-Smoke-ULPA-capsule02-cbt.png          Surgical-Smoke-ULPA-cbt.png

Surgical Smoke acid gas adsorption test result -cbt.png

  Disposable DISC Filter

Cobetter provides disposable disc filters including single-use general gas filter and single-use smoke filter.

Single-use Smoke Filter
The single-use smoke filter has the same function as the long-term-use surgical smoke filter, but the product shape and method of usage are slightly different. The single-use smoke filter has a shorter life time. It is especially suitable for laparoscopy or other minimally invasive surgery to provide efficient surgical smoke filtration and remove peculiar smell at the same time, Widely used as a laparoscopic smoke filter.


Compact Structure.
The filter is equipped with general membrane / ULPA high efficiency membrane. The compact structure makes it easy to assemble and match, so as to achieve great filtration effect.

A Variety of Membrane Configuration.
High efficiency: Filtration rate of 0.1μm particle is 99.9995% General: Filtration rate of 0.5μm particle is 95%.

Odor Adsorption.
With the activated charcoal layer, the filter can adsorb TVOC and remove peculiar smell.


                   Disc cbtSurgical Smoke 02.png

StandardGradeCategoryParticle SizeFiltration Efficiency

DescriptionSingle-use Smoke Filter
Connector1/4''-1/2'' Hose Barb
Housing MaterialPP
Membrane ConfigurationULPA + Activated Charcoal

General PTFE + Activated Charcoal

Typical Application

1. Laparoscopic Puncture Device

2. Electrosurgical Scalpel

3. Other Application Scenarios Requiring Filtration of Surgical Smoke



Single-use General Gas Filter

Single-use general gas filter can be used in any required gas filtration application. Cobetter provides products with different particle retention rate, pollutant carrying capacity and air flow rate, so as to meet the needs of general filtration, sterilization filtration and high-efficiency filtration. Cobetter DISC series disposable gas filter has various sizes and configurations to meet the different assembly and filtration requirements in different application scenarios. It is an ideal choice for gas filtration applications.

Typical Applications

A Variety of Membrane Materials.
Various membrane configurations to match different air flow rate and filtration efficiency requirements. Among them, HEPA and ULPA glass fiber and PTFE membranes can achieve a filtration efficiency of 99.95% or more than 99.9995%, which is suitable for gas injection filtration of Laparoscopic machine or other high-efficiency filtration applications.

Different Connectors for Selection.
Luer lock, hose barb, NPT, Jaco or customized connector are available.

Sterile Product Option.
According to different membrane configurations, pre-sterilization products such as autoclaving or gamma sterilization are available.

Consistent Performance.
Mature assembly and welding technology to ensure product integrity, pressure resistance and stability.




Product Description

DISC Series




Luer-lock, NPT, Hose Barb, JACO

Housing Material


Membrane Material

Glass Fiber / Hydrophobic PTFE
Polypropylene (PP) / Hydrophobic PVDF


Typical Applications

1. Pre-filtration at the Front End of Smoke Evacuation Equipment

2. Gas Injection Filtration of Pneumoperitoneum Machine

3. Sterilization Cabinet Gas Filtration

4. General Gas Filtration / Sterile Filtration

Reference of Quality Standard

EN1822:2009 High Efficiency Air Filter Standard

YY 0843一2011:Medical Endoscopes一Endoscope supply units一Insufflators

Find Your Disposable Vent Filter Below 


For technical data sheet or application inquiry, you are more than welcome to contact our sales representative by sales@cobetterfilter.com or leave a message

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