

Plasma Separation Membrane 

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Whole blood separator in membrane separation technology is also called as blood cell separation membrane or plasma separation pad. The PSM series plasma separation membrane developed by Cobetter is a new type of plasma separation filter, which is specifically developed for POCT diagnostics. It can quickly separate plasma from whole blood without hemolysis and no pre-treatment is required.

The final reaction sample of POCT(point-of-care-testing) is mainly plasma. Traditionally plasma can be obtained through centrifugation, but it's difficult to conduct and requires large sample volume as well as long operating time.  Therefore, membrane separation technology stands out in this application, with advantages of small sample volume requirement, short separation time, low possibility of hemolysis and easy to use. Now plasma separation membrane plays an important role in POCT and provides a fast red blood cell removal solution for POCT diagnostics.

Principle of Plasma Separation by PSM Series Red Blood Cell Filter

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    Physical retention, highly asymmetric pore structure specifically designed for whole blood plasma separation. Large pores in the membrane physically retained red blood cells and white blood cells in the whole blood, and the plasma flows out from the small pores on the downstream side of the membrane, rapidly separating the plasma without hemolysis.

Advantages of PSM Series Red Blood Cell Filter

- High efficiency. No centrifugation is required, plasma can be quickly separated within 2 minutes, thus saving plasma collection time.

Low non-specific binding. No combination with key biomarkers, reducing the impact on diagnostics signal.

Low hemolysis. There is anti-hemolysis treatment on the membrane to reduce the possibility of whole blood hemolysis.

Highly asymmetric pore structure, low hematocrit dependence and outstanding flow rate.

Reliable lot-to-lot stability, low CV value.

- Plasma recovery volume≥10μL @40μL whole blood.

Imported Japan production line and uniform material.

Available in customized width for roll type and customized die-cutting shape.

For technical data sheet or application inquiry, you are more than welcome to contact our sales representative by sales@cobetterfilter.com or leave a message

Typical Applications

Plasma Separation for Whole Blood

Dry Biochemical Test Strip

Immunochromatographic Diagnostics

Plasma Separation for Microfluidic Diagnostics

Chemiluminescence Sample Pretreatment

                 Dry Biochemical Analysis               

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       Immunochromatographic Diagnostics      

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                  Microfluidic Diagnostics                

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   Product   PSM Series
   Material   Hydrophilic & Highly Asymmetric Polyethersulfone
   Substrate   None
   Surface Color   White
   Thickness   0.34 ± 0.03 mm
   Plasma Separation Time   ≤ 2 min
   Plasma Recovery Volume @ 40μL Whole Blood   ≥ 10 μL
   Recommended Blood Volume   35 - 45 μL/cm2



SEM Graph Before and After Plasma Filtration

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Comparison of Blood Filtration Effect

Cobetter PSM series whole blood separation membrane shows great plasma separation ability without hemolysis.

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Test Method:

a. Cover the plasma separation membrane on the nitrocellulose membrane same as vertical flow pad.

b. Test the strips with different HCT whole blood samples according to the recommended blood volume for membrane.

c. After plasma separation is completed, overturn the RBC separator to one side to directly show the separation performance of the membrane. 

For technical data sheet or application inquiry, you are more than welcome to contact our sales representative by sales@cobetterfilter.com or leave a message

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