

Gas Filtration Membranes


Cobetter hydrophobic ePTFE, with high gas flow rate and optimized water & bacterial resistance, is therefore used in a wide range of medical gas filtration applications, involving in-line insufflations, negative pressure suction filter, and drug preservation. 

The great retention efficiency of porous ePTFE membrane ensures microorganism & particle be controlled for sterile air exchange. A wide range of backing (support) materials support multiple sealing technologies. 

Certified Biological Safety (ISO 10993/USP ClassVI)

Outstanding Flow Rates & Longer Life

Lot-to-lot Consistency

Compatible with Different Sealing Methods

Ultrasonic, Heat, Mechanical, RF Welding

Sterilization Compatibility

Autoclave, Ethylene Oxide, Gamma Irradiation

Available Pore Sizes (μm)

0.1,   0.2,   0.3,  0.45, 1.0, 2.0

Typical Applications

- Insufflation Filter
- Oxygen Wet Bottle
- Suction Canister
- Dry Powder Inhaler

Membrane Formats

Roll,   Sheet,   Disc,   Customization

For technical data sheet or application inquiry, you are more than welcome to contact our sales representative by sales@cobetterfilter.com or leave a message

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