
Regenerated?Cellulose (RC)?Filter


Regenerated cellulose (RC) filter is made of pure cellulose without adding any wetting agents and reinforced with nonwoven material. RC membrane is a very clean membrane features low extractables and low non-specific binding characteristics. Naturally hydrophilic property and wide compatibility makes RC filter suitable for both organic and aqueous media applied in chromatography sample preparation and solvent preparation.In addition,the high-quality microporous structure helps to decrease impact on sample analysis at a minimally level.RC syringe filter have very low protein binding capability,which is also very good for tissue culture filtration and universal biological sample filtration.

Features and Benefits

? Inherently hydrophilic feature ,spontaneously wetting;

? Wide chemical compatibility;

? Mechanically stable

? Low non-specific binding

? Exceptional purity

? Low protein binding




Final filtration for organic and aqueous media

Chromatography sample and solvent preparation

Particle removal from solvents.

Clarification and degassing solvents and mobile phases for HPLC.

Routine microbiological quality control


Available Pore Size

0.2,0.45 μm


Biological Safety

Meets USP<88>,for class VI-121℃ plastic



Autoclave,Ethylene Oxide, E-Beam,Gamma Irradiation.


Available Format
non sterile syringe filter 13/25/33mm diameter;

membrane disc 25/47mm and customized dimension

For technical data sheet or application inquiry, you are more than welcome to contact our sales representative by sales@cobetterfilter.com or leave a message

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