
Titanium filter

——Special filter for high temperature flue gas environment


This filter is corrosion resistant , high temperature resistant, strength, easy assurance of filtering accuracy, easy regeneration and other great properties; Titanium filter is made form titanium powder through high heat sintering, so surface particles are hard to fall down;In the air, its using temperature can be 500 ~ 600 ℃ , suitable for all kinds of corrosive medium filtering. It has great mechanical properties, can conduct cutting, welding and other mechanical machining, high pressure resistance; Easy to guarantee its filtering effciency, no aperture deformation even in high pressure. Homogeneous distribution of pore size,high dirty holding capacity, and easy regeneration,which can be reused after regenerated.

Parameter Characteristics

Filter pore size2μm/6μm/10μm/Customization
Length CustomizationCustomization
Connector CustomizationCustomization
Clean Methodclean gas blow, sonicleaning
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