
Hydrophobic PTFE Membrane

Cobetter Hydrophobic PTFE membrane is made from pure PTFE membrane bonded to a polypropylene support. The extreme chemical compatibility (pH 1-14) makes them very useful for the filtration of solvents and acids or other aggressive chemicals, for which other membrane filter types are unsuitable. Due to their hydrophobic characteristics, they must be pre-wet with a solvent such as ethanol or methanol before the filtration of aqueous solutions.

Certified Biological Safety (ISO 10993/USP Class VI)

Excellent Air Permeability, Outstanding Air Flow Rates

Optimized Backing Material,Better Sealing Capability

Wide Range of Pore Size (0.02-10μm)

High Water Entry Pressure (WEP)


Compatible with Different Sealing Methods

Ultrasonic, Adhesive,Heat, RF Welding, MEchanical

Serilization Compatibility

Autoclave,Ethylene Oxide

Available Pore Sizes (μm)

  • 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.45, 0.8, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0

Typical Performance Characteristics (*0.2μm)

  • Filtration Efficiency ≥99.99999% Brevundimonas diminuta
    Air Flow Rates Gurley 17-49sec
    WEP(60s) >450 KPa
    Thickness 280-440μm (Supported)

Typical Applications

  • - IV Filter Vent
    - Transducer Protector (TP)
    - Bacterial Air Vent
    - Sensor Protection Cover
    - Package Vents
    - Drip Chamber Spike Vent
    - Dispensing Pin
    - Urine Meters/Bags
    - Ostomy Pouches

Support Type

  • Polyester, Polypropylene, Un-supported

Membrane Formats

  • Roll, Sheet, Disc, Customization
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