
PES Membrane

Cobetter polyethersulfone (PES) membrane is made of a modified polyethersulfone polymer cast. The optimized asymmetric structure, enhanced hydrophilicity and high porosity provides extraordinary high flow rate and contaminants retention capacity. The product uniformity results in consistent filtration performance.

Its high mechanical strength supports all kinds of assembling technologies.

Cobetter hydrophobic & oleophobic treated PES membranes have excellent repellency to liquids. It`s an ideal option for venting and gas filtration applications. The gamma irradiation compatibility makes it to be the best alternative of PTFE membrane where gamma irradiation is used for product sterilization.

Certified Biological Safety( ISO10993/USP Class VI )

Low Drug and Protein Adsorption

Low Extractables

Wide Range of Pore Sizes

Outstanding Flow Rates & Longer Life

Lot-to-lot Consistency

Compatible with Different Sealing Methods

Ultrasonic, Heat, Mechanical, RF Wdlding

Sterilization Compatibility

Autoclave, Ethylene Oxide, Gamma Irradiation

Available Pore Sizes (μm)

0.05,   0.1,   0.2,   0.2+Positive,   0.45,   0.65, 0.8,   1.2,   3.0,   5.0,   8.0,  10,  12

Mechanical Properties

Tensile Strength                                     >650 cN/15 mm
Elongation at Break                               >25%
Change of Length(steam,121°C)<4%
Burst Pressure                                         >1bar
Typical Thickness                                   120μm (SM)
                                                               150μm (AM)
                                                               90μm (PES 5.0/10.0)

Typical Applications

- IV Infusion Filters
- IV Set Drip Chambers
- Epidural Filters
- Medical Water Filters
- Dispensing Pins

Membrane Formats

Roll,   Sheet,   Disc,   Customization

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