

Surgical Smoke Filtration


ULPA filter is designed for removing surgical smoke from the operating rooms.

Surgical smoke decreases site visibility and impacts air quality in the surgical suite. The composition of surgical smoke in include 95% of water and 5% of other stuff:  

· Toxic chemicals
· Tissue
· Blood particulates. 

The substances of toxic chemicals contained in surgical smokes including carcinogen, such as acetaldehyde and Butadiene; potential carcinogen, such as Acrylonitrile, Benzene, and Formaldehyde; and other chemicals.  

Particulate matters, such as blood, tissue, bacteria, and virus, are able to increase the risk of sore throats, eye irritation, and respiratory infection.

Obviously, surgical smoke affects the health of both medical staff and patients. Reports show that healthcare workers exposed to surgical smoke are easy to suffer from illnesses like skin irritation, headaches, coughing, allergies and so on.

Although the long-term influence of surgical smoke on hospital staff remains unknown, there is a need to reduce the risk of being exposed to surgical smoke in order to prevent any harm.

Surgical smoke evacuation system increases visibility and decreases unpleasant odor in OR. ULPA filters are designed as a vital part of the system to remove particles and adsorb peculiar smell generated during operation.

The surgical smoke evacuation ULPA filter is qualified as being at least 99.999% efficient in removing particles with a size of 0.12μm or larger that may be emitted during a surgical procedure.

Cobetter ULPA filter uses pleated oleophobic PTFE membrane which provides 99.999% efficiency in removing any airborne particles larger than 0.12μm in OR. Besides, charcoal or other pre-filtration layers can also be designed in ULPA in order to acquire longer lifespan. 


Cobetter offers filter shells with various sizes and connectors, which meets different requirements of connecting filters with machines. Furthermore, Cobetter can design ULPA filters with different lifespan based on the customers’ requirements.    

Features and Benefits 

· Excellent filtration: 99.999% of filtration efficiency

· Removes unpleasant odor: containing charcoal

· High dirt holding capacity: pre-filtration layer Multiple lifespans: 1hour, 3hours, 5hours, 7hours........

· Multiple choices of size and connector: Length: 1inch, 2inch, 3inch, 5inch, 10inch or larger

· Connector: Stepped hose barb, hose barb, sanitary flange, NPT, JACO.....

· Designed case by case

· Gamma compatible 

Quality Standard

· Oleophobic level of membrane correlates to AATCC118 Standard
· EN1822-1:2009

For technical data sheet or application inquiry, you are more than welcome to contact our sales representative by sales@cobetterfilter.com or leave a message

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