
UniFit Manifold


UniFit ? manifold works with optimal hardware and consumables,especially suit for Ascle ? U filtration funnel and Ascle V filtration unit. It has the same features with traditional manifold besides it is more flexible and has light structure.


  • Whole equipment body is designed with stainless steel,surface is mirror finished and is easy to clean and sterilize;
  • Triplet filtering head design can be simultaneously suction filtration to improve work efficiency;
  • Filtering head can quickly sterilize via flame for continuous lab operation;
  • Filtering head can be easily dismounting and mounting and individually do moist heat sterilization;
  • Multiple filtering heads are available for two kinds of membrane specification at 47mm and 50mm.


  • By autoclaving(max.134°C)
  • By dry heat sterilization(max.180°C)
  • By flaming

Ordering Information

Cat. No.Applicable membrane diameterDimensionWeight
UniFit SS Manifold,3-placeM301SS47mm/ 50mm43.5×10.3×12cm1.5kg
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