
H-HF150 Series High Flow Rate Industrial Filter Housing


Cobetter H-HF150 Series Industrial Filter Housing is designed for HF150 Series Filter Cartridges, mainly used for large fluid (liquid/water) flow rate applications, especially for water treatment. It is designed for large flow rates, this filter housing only requires a small area for installation and is cost efficient and easy to operate when compared to Traditional cartridge filter housings. 

In addition, it is available in a horizontal or vertical configuration. A vertical configuration is normally composed of 10-round 40” filters. For large flow rates of over 1000m3/h, we recommend a horizontal configuration with 60” HF150 filter cartridges as it satisfies large flow rate applications and is relatively easy to change.

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  HF150 housing 01.png

Surface Finish

  Polish Type

   Mirror Polish or 

   Internal Electro-polished

  Surface Option

   Internal Ra: 0.6μm; 

   External Ra: 0.8μm

Operating Conditions

  Max. Operating Pressure

   0.6 Mpa (6 bar) 

   1.0 Mpa (10 bar)

  Max. Operating Temperature


Material of Construction

  Housing Body

   304 ; 316L

  Vent / Drain

   304 ; 316L

  Screw Bolt




  O-ring / Gaskets

   Silicon, Viton, EPDM


  Body Connection

   Swing Bolt / C-Clamp

  Inlet / Outlet


  Steam Sterilization






Ordering Information

H-HF150 housing 07.png

For technical data sheet or application inquiry, you are more than welcome to contact our sales representative by info.industry@cobetterfilter.com   or leave a message.

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