
Cobetter offers high performance and cost-effective solutions for the purification of food ingredients including flavoring, sugar alcohol, and taurine. By using our filtration solutions, manufacturers can achieve their goals and protect their brands.  Whether providing filtration products for existing applications or new challenging applications, food manufacturers can rely on Cobetter’s expertise and experience for a smooth transition and collaboration.

Pre-Ro FiltrationSterile Water Filtration

Sterile Gas Filtration


  High Flow Filter

  HF150 Series


   Low Diffusion Flow

   PES Filter

   SPSH Series


   Sterile Gas Filtration System  SAFS Series

   Gas Pre-Filtration                GGFP Series

   Gas Sterile Filtration             GPF-P Series

                                          HSGPFL-P Series

   Steam Filtration               PSSF Series & PSSC Series

6361843198150300957011598.jpg  Economical  


  HPP Series


   Longer Life Time 

   Asymmetric PES Filter

   APS Series

6361843216615925956730950.jpg High Retention

 Depth Filter

 RMF Series


  Highest Level of Retention
  Efficiency Double-Layer PES 


 DPS Series

  • HT TefloGas Filter Cartridges Cobetter HT TefloGas Filter Cartridge are manufactured with a hydrophobic PTFE membrane, polyphenysulphide polymer support and drainage layers. They are specially designed for the sterile filtration of air, gas and vent at critical high temperatures and ozonized-water venting applications.
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