
CSD Lenticular Filter

Cobetter CSD Series Filters use high purity lignocellulose composite material and an inorganic filter aid agent. Its inner crisscrossing three-dimensional structure allows it to be a depth filter and provide excellent filtration efficiency, high dirt holding capacity, and longer lifetime. Filter paper is manufactured using super-matic production lines. All raw materials are tested by a strict quality control process to ensure filter quality and good performance in any application.

  • Specifaction
  • Performance
  • Ordering Information

Operating Conditions

Maximum Temperature80°C
Max.Differential Pressure2.4bar / 25°C
FlushPure water 50L/m2
Flow rate 20 lpm/m2
Steaming Sterilization (Autoclave)121°C / 30min

Materials of Construction

Filter MediumCellulose, Diatomaceous Earth

Filtration Area

Number of lensesFiltration area
12 " diameter16" diameter
70.7 m2/
90.9 m22.1 m2
121.1 m22.8 m2
141.3 m23.2 m2
151.4 m23.5 m2
161.5 m23.7 m2

Ordering Information


Contact Form
Company* Application*
First Name* Last Name*
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